Tournament Rules
Registration will open at least 30 days prior to each event. Pre-registration will close at midnight on the Thursday before the Captain's Meeting. Anglers will be allowed to register at the beginning of the Captain's Meeting, but it is best to pre- register. Registration will close at 7 pm sharp at the Captain's Meeting.
Tournament entry is $400.00 per tournament. A one-time 2024 Southern Redfish Cup Membership Fee of $40.00 per angler is due prior to the first tournament you participate in for the 2023 season. Membership and tournament entry fees are nonrefundable.
Captain’s Meetings will be held on Friday evening before each tournament. It is best to pre-register for tournaments, however, registration will be open at the beginning of the Captain's Meeting from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. The Captain’s Meeting will start at 7:00pm sharp. Please check in by 6:30pm so we can start the announcements and rules promptly at 7:00pm. All teams are expected to attend the Captain’s Meeting, and sign-in at the designated time and location. If a team is unable to attend the Captain's Meeting due to valid emergency reasons, they may designate an alternate to draw their number and attend in their place. In addition, they must contact the Tournament Director - Will Jackson 404-313-1452 prior to the start of competition. A designated alternate may not represent more than one team at a Captain’s Meeting. Teams agree that it is their own responsibility to find out what was discussed at the Captain’s Meeting.
The events will be fished consistent with and enforced pursuant to the laws of the state. All contestants are expected to obey all applicable federal, state and local regulations and laws. Violation of such rules may result in your disqualification from the tournament. Repeated or flagrant violations will result in said contestants being banned from future participation in Southern Redfish Cup Events.
Participants in Southern Redfish Cup Events are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, and conservation. Any infraction of these fundamental sporting principles may be deemed cause for disqualification. Maximum courtesy must be practiced at all times, especially with regard to boating and angling in the vicinity of non-competitors who may be on tournament waters. Any act of a competitor, which reflects unfavorably upon the Southern Redfish Cup, fisheries conservation, clean waters, and courtesy, shall be reason for disqualification. Evidence of chemical substance addiction or abuse, conviction of a felony or other crimes involving moral turpitude or other conduct reflecting unfavorably upon the Southern Redfish Cup efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship and compliance with tournament rules shall be grounds for rejecting any application for participation and for disqualification. Any act deemed by the Cup Committee that gives a team or angler an unfair advantage not specifically covered under this set of rules shall be grounds for disqualification. Any violation by an angler deemed intentional or preconceived by the Cup Committee to gain an unfair advantage, would be grounds for permanent disqualification.
Participants in the Southern Redfish Cup tournaments must be members in good standing. Any person under the age of 18 must have written consent from a parent or legal guardian. The Southern Redfish Cup reserves the right to refuse membership and participation in any or all events to any individual or team at the discretion of the Cup Committee.
All boats must be a minimum of 15 feet in length. Each boat must have all required U.S. Coast Guard safety equipment. Boat’s must have a properly aerated and functioning live well to adequately maintain a live limit catch of Redfish by both contestants. The Tournament Director shall have the sole responsibility for determining whether aeration and capacity is “proper and adequate”. For the safety of all contestants, ALL BOATS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH SOME TYPE OF OPERABLE IGNITION SHUT-OFF DEVICE. This ignition SHUT-OFF device must be attached to the driver’s body anytime the combustion engine is operating. Anytime the combustion engine is operating and in gear, there must be a driver in the driver’s seat in full control of the boat. A small electric trolling motor may be used for slow maneuvering. All bladder tanks and any other type of auxiliary gas tanks that are not installed by the boat manufacturer are prohibited. Fuel may be carried only in factory installed (built-in) fuel tanks. Any additional fuel used during the tournament day must be purchased from a retail facility open to the public. If participating boat was not factory equipped with a built-in tank, then participant may use up to two of the standard US Coast Guard approved portable tanks mounted at the stern in designated areas by the motor.
While operating, moored, anchored, fishing, safe boating practices shall be adhered to at all times. All competitors are required to wear a fastened, U.S. Coast Guard approved, personal floatation device (PFD) anytime the outboard or inboard engine is in use. All vessels shall be equipped with the minimum United States Coast Guard safety requirements for that vessel and an operational VHF Radio or Cell Phone. This does not refer to trolling motors. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
The Cup Committee has the right to cancel the day’s fishing at the call of the 5:30 am forecast. It will be the responsibility of competitors to communicate with the Cup Committee about Cup event cancellations. The Cup Committee reserves the right to terminate the day’s fishing because of unsafe conditions at sea. If the unsafe conditions are the result of inclement weather, Cup Committee will notify all registered competitors of the rescheduled date. However, the tournament shall be considered complete if more than half the allotted time to fish has elapsed. If need be, an event will be rescheduled to a later date because of inclement weather. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
Any competitor using or carrying alcoholic beverages or illegal substances while engaged in the Southern Redfish Cup events will be immediately disqualified. Competitors who are in contention at any event and subject to a polygraph should not consume alcohol until cleared by a tournament official. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
Artificial lures are the only bait/lure that is permitted in the tournaments. All fish must be caught on a rod, reel and line. Snatching with multiple hooks, gigging and / or using multiple hooks (Treble Hooks) with any natural bait is prohibited. Treble hooks are permitted for lures only. Only one fishing rod may be used at a time per competitor. A cast must be fully retrieved before a competitor may pick up another rod. Competitors may not use trolling as a method of fishing. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
The Cup event will start on Saturday at safe light and ends at 3:30pm. No competitors will be allowed to fish prior to the start time on each tournament day. All competitors must be in weigh-in line by stated weigh-in time or the fish will not be recorded as a tournament catch. Fish can be weighed in starting at 2:00pm. The Cup awards presentation will begin after weigh-in. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
Competitors who are not at the official check-in area at the appointed time will not receive credit for the day’s weight.
All fish will be subject to the State laws in which the weigh-in will take place. Fish must be of legal state length to be considered in these Cup events. Redfish: Minimum length of 15 inches; maximum length of 23 inches pinched tail (South Carolina Only). Only three fish per team are allowed to be weighed. Contestants will at no time, have in their possession or in the live well, more than the tournament limit of three fish. Fish must be culled immediately! A dead fish cannot be culled. There is an 8 (eight) ounce penalty per dead fish. Fish cannot be kept on ice until weigh-in. The tournament committee encourages catch and release after weigh-in. The weigh-master reserves the right to hold and examine internally and externally any fish weighed as a tournament catch to determine if the fish is eligible for an award. Any fish that has an unnatural material in it or on it will be disqualified. All fish will be measured on a 30” x 6” Elite Redfish Series angled “CHECK-IT-STICK”. All fish will be measured with a 2.5 inch “CHECK-IT-STICK” Perfect Pincher stopped at 22.5 inches. The 2.5 inch “CHECK-IT-STICK” Perfect Pincher will be rested on the bottom of the measuring board on all fish. A fish over the 23 inch line will be DQ'd. All close fish will be photographed for further review by the Cup Committee. The top portion (tip) of the tail must be intact, unaltered, and complete. Line cuts and small sections missing from the center or bottom portion of the tail will be acceptable. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee. Fish will be measured on an OFFICIAL “CHECK-IT-STICK” DISPLAYED AT THE CAPTAINS MEETING AND WEIGHED ON DIGITAL SCALE. TEAMS MAY COMPARE THEIR MEASURING DEVICE TO THE SRC OFFICIAL “CHECK-IT-STICK” PRIOR TO WEIGH IN.
Local Law Enforcement has the right to overrule any and all SRC rules and regulations at any time during the day. SRC will rule you disqualified at that time for any on the water violations. If an angler brings a fish to get measured and that particular fish is deemed “over slot” by Local Law Enforcement, then that fish will be disqualified. If your fish are successfully measured and weighed by SRC and deemed a legal fish, then your tournament weight is locked in. However, Local Law Enforcement still has the authority to pull a fish to check its legality among federal, state, and local law. If they find you have an illegal fish after your weight is locked in with SRC, then that is an incident that has taken place after the SRC event and will have no bearing on the results of the tournament.
Competitors may fish anywhere accessible to the public by boat. Competitors may not enter waters that are deemed closed by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources or are private. Competitors may not fish within 50 yards of a competitor’s boat, which was in a location first, anchored, or positioned by a pole type anchor, and having their trolling motor in the stored position. Competitors may not fish within 100 yards of the official check- out area and where non-competitors are chumming or fishing with live or cut bait. If non-competitors will not refrain from chumming, competitors must leave the area. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
No competitor, at any time, may leave the boat to fish, or land a fish. Competitors Must Remain in Boat. All angling must be conducted from the boat. Competitors cannot leave the boat to cast, catch or land a fish. Competitors may leave the boat and seek safe shelter in bad weather where danger may be imminent but must continue to follow all tournament rules and procedures during this period. Anglers may leave their boat to pull it out of an area where the tides have gone out but cannot leave their boat to gain access to any area and must wait on water levels to rise enough to allow entry. No jumping berms, dykes, land masses or any object blocking entrance to any waterway, either man made or natural. Competitors must leave and return to the official check-out by boat. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
All tournaments are team events. Competitors may not fish as individuals. A team consists of two (2) anglers, one of which must be designated as the captain.
Competitors experiencing boat or engine trouble have the following remedies:
Competitors can only board the boat of another competitor fishing the series, except in the case of an extreme medical emergency or where imminent danger, i.e. boat sinking, boat on fire, etc.
Competitor’s boats experiencing mechanical failure may be towed in by anyone.
Competitors forced to board the boat of a non-competitor may have their catch for the day D.Q.’d.
Competitors boarding the boat of another competitor and transferring his catch must keep his fish separate and well-marked. Both competitors can no longer scout or fish and must proceed immediately to launch/return location.
Competitors needing or receiving any assistance from anyone should communicate to the Tournament Director - Will Jackson 404-313-1452, the boat number(s) of the assisting boat and the time(s) aid was requested, performed, began and completed.
At the Captain's Meeting teams will receive a number (Boater Board) by “luck of the draw”. This number (Boater Board) MUST remain with the boat during tournament competition. Losing proof of this number for check-in will result in disqualification from the Cup event.
Teams can launch their boats anywhere they wish but must report to the host location and check-out to be eligible for the Cup event.
All vessels must have a colored ribbon tied to a trolling motor or front cleat representing that your boat has been checked by the tournament committee. Not having this ribbon on the boat will result in a disqualification. After your vessel is found to be in compliance with tournament guidelines and USCG safety compliances competitors will launch their boats and anchor or “jockey” around specific waiting area until the Tournament Director releases the vessels and starts the Cup event at safe light.
TEAMS MUST PROCEED IN A SAFE AND NO WAKE MANNER UNTIL CLEAR OF OTHER TEAMS, CLEAR OF THE CHECK OUT DOCK AND CLEAR OF ANY DESIGNATED NO WAKE AREAS. After the director officially checks you out, competitors can leave the marina or landing and head to their fishing destinations. Competitors cannot advance position ahead of another team while boats are traveling in a No Wake Zone. There will be only one official check-out in the morning and one official check-in the afternoon. Failure to go through boat check-out and check-in will result in disqualification. All fishing must cease upon check-in. Competitors who fail to check-out will not be allowed to weigh the day’s catch for the Cup event. All teams are required to check-in regardless of weighing a fish. Any ruling or event involving these rules will be left to the Cup Committee.
$100,000 liability insurance is required of all competitors utilizing their boats in any Southern Redfish Cup tournament.
Each competitor who fishes a Southern Redfish Cup event agrees to submit to a polygraph examination at a time and location as determined by the Tournament Director following the end of the competition in each tournament and abide by its conclusion. We will reserve the right to polygraph the Top 5 finishing positions and any random selection in the top 10 at the sole discretion of the Tournament Director. Failure to pass the polygraph will result in disqualification.
Ties shall be broken by the Largest Fish for the event. The team with the heaviest single fish shall receive precedence. In the event of identical weights, the team that weighed-in first will have precedence.
Protests must be presented in writing (TEXT MESSAGE) to Tournament Director - Will Jackson 404-313-1452 at the weigh-in station on the day of the alleged infraction, by 4:15pm on the day of competition. $200 Cash Deposit, refundable if the protest is upheld, must accompany Protests. The Cup Committee will make all decisions, and their decision is final. If the protest is not upheld, then such deposit will be forfeited to the Cup event. Any ruling or event involving this rule will be left to the Cup Committee.
In consideration of being allowed to enter the Southern Redfish Cup Tournament, each person agrees and contracts release, indemnity and hold harmless the Southern Redfish Cup Officers, Directors, Employees, Sponsors and Weigh-in station Owners and their Respective Officers, Directors, Employees and Representatives, including indemnity for any negligent acts, or omissions of the foregoing release and indemnified parties, from any and all liability, claims or damages arising out of or any manner whatsoever connected with the planning, operation or conduct of the tournament, and including but not limited to claims for personal injury, wrongful death, survival damages, property damage, costs, expenses or claims relating in any way to the registering for or fishing in the Southern Redfish Cup Tournament. Each entry is acting as an independent not under the continuing supervision and control of the Southern Redfish Cup Tournament personnel and agrees that the Southern Redfish Cup Tournament Officers shall not, under any circumstances, be liable under or by any reason of this Agreement, directly or indirectly, for any accident, injury, breakage or damage to property or persons whatsoever growing out of any activities relating to the Southern Redfish Cup Tournament activities. Each fisherman releases the Southern Redfish Cup Tournament the right to publicize, photograph and/or broadcast my name as a prize winner, and all other matters incidental thereto.
The Tournament Director will discuss and examine all situations with the Cup Committee to make a decision. The decision that the Tournament Director makes is FINAL.
Cup Committee:
Chris Condon - Operations Director – 843-224-4665
Will Jackson - Tournament Director - 404-313-1452